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The Broom & Crow LLC

White Cedar Fronds

White Cedar Fronds

Regular price $2.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $2.00 USD
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Wild-Harvested by Tabby.

Here's how you can use White Cedar:

1. Repelling Spirits & Banishing:

  • Smudging: Burn White Cedar wood or leaves to cleanse a space of unwanted energies, including lingering spirits of the deceased.
  • Amulet/Talismans: Carry small pieces of White Cedar wood or dried leaves as protective amulets to ward off negative entities.
  • Anointing: Anoint doorways and windows with White Cedar oil to create a protective barrier against unwanted spirits.

2. Purification & Cleansing:

  • Bath Rituals: Add White Cedar leaves or essential oil to a bath to cleanse the aura and remove negativity.
  • Cleansing Tools: Create a besom (broom) with White Cedar branches for sweeping away negative energies from a space.

3. Success & Transformation:

  • Incense: Burn White Cedar incense during meditation or spellwork to enhance focus, clarity, and the ability to manifest your desires.
  • Offerings: Leave small pieces of White Cedar wood at crossroads or sacred sites as offerings to the spirits of the land to gain their favor and support.

4. Obtaining Benevolent Power:

  • Communion with Guardian Tree Spirits: Use White Cedar as an offering to connect with the spirit of a White Cedar tree. Meditate beneath the tree, using the wood or leaves as a focus for your connection.
  • Power Objects: Create a staff or wand from White Cedar wood to enhance your personal power and connect with the energies of nature.

5. Ancestor Magic & Workings:

  • Honoring Ancestors: Burn White Cedar incense during rituals honoring your ancestors.
  • Communicating with Ancestors: Use White Cedar as a medium for communicating with your ancestors through divination or trance work.

6. Blessing New Homes/Spaces:

  • Smudging Ceremony: Perform a smudging ceremony with White Cedar to cleanse and bless a new home or space before moving in.
  • Dedication: Plant a White Cedar tree near the entrance of a new home as a symbol of protection and blessings.

Important Notes:

  • Ethical Sourcing: Always source White Cedar wood and leaves ethically and sustainably.
  • Respectful Harvesting: If harvesting yourself, ask permission from the tree spirit and offer a small gift in return.
  • Intention: Your intention is paramount. Clearly define your purpose when working with White Cedar and visualize your desired outcome.
  • Personalization: Adapt these suggestions to your own unique needs and beliefs.

By understanding and respectfully utilizing the energetic properties of White Cedar, you can incorporate it into a wide range of magical practices for protection, purification, and spiritual growth.

Disclaimer: This information is for educational purposes only and should not be considered medical or professional advice.

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